• Happy Holidays!

    happy holidays - ZOYO Travel

Team ZOYO Travel wishes you happy holidays!

What a year this has been; from the biggest group incentives to the most luxurious tours, it was fabulous. We made so many extraordinary tours happen that we still can hardly believe how good it was. In the last week of the year, we look back at 2023, knowing that this was the most successful year of ZOYO Travel so far. Let’s see how many fun 2024 will bring!

From 2023, we started our ZOYO Charity Program and we are delighted to give you a small update on this. We end this year, with a total of € 4.000,00 euro charity donation (WOW!!)

How did our charity program works? For every service, we (ZOYO Travel) donated a small fee to a charity (from our selected charities)

This is divided over the following charities:

  • Children Aid; Creates many days 'away' to children and their families that need it (due to their financial, trauma, and/or other life-changing events). Think of visits to theme parks, zoos, cinemas, and gifts so that parents can 'buy' presents during the Christmas.RESULT: We have managed to donate € 2.000,00 euro towards Childrens Aid, with their special project 'Actie Pepernoot'. With this amount, we made sure that 80 kids enjoyed their Christmas (or Sinterklaas) evening with gifts. With a result; big smiles, great stories for school and countless hours of fun with their new gifts.
  • Compassion: we support a family in Kenia and specific 'Alex' who is currently 11 years old. Due to a shortage of income and proper education, there was not much perspective. With the local support of Compassion, we can create a brighter future with education and a safe environment for the family. RESULT: We have managed to donate € 1.000,00 euro for the project of Compassion. This means, a direct 'family' gift to Alex of € 250,00 euro and € 750,00 euro project gift to make sure even more families can use this donation. Good to know: this family gift is spent with a coordinator of the project, so only for purposes that are really needed (house materials, education, clothing etc).
  • Just Diggit: Earth is drying up. Just Diggit is going to reverse it, and there’s one decade left to do so. In their projects, they work closely with communities and local partners to restore dry land. Proven regreening techniques include rainwater harvesting (digging bunds), tree restoration, and developing grass seed banks. RESULT: We have managed to donate € 1.000 euro for the Just Diggit project. This money will be spent on numerous projects (focus on digging bunds) with the ultimate focus of 'cooling' down the planet.
    Stichting Kinderhulp donation 2023 Donation Compassion

We want to thank all our clients, that worked with us this year and made this possible. It feels good, to enjoy life but also give perspective for other people that need a helping hand.
In 2024, we will continue donating to these three organizations who are doing such an admirable job.

We wish you and your loved ones all the happiness for the holidays and for 2024.

Kind regards,

Team ZOYO Travel (Thomas, Peter, Aline & Jimmin)